Hi! I'm Emily and my love language is food!
Some of my earliest memories revolve around baking and eating. I distinctly remember baking baby Jesus a birthday cake and icing it blue when I was probably 4 or 5. My grandmother used to make dough for me to play with and it would keep me busy at her kitchen counter for hours. Few things make me happier than feeding the people that I love, especially if I know it is one of their favorite dishes! I started this blog to document my adventures and misadventures in the kitchen, both baking and cooking. I am not one to make up my own recipes but I promise to always share my sources with you! I love reading cookbooks and baking blogs, I'll watch just about any cooking or baking show and I watch Rachael Ray with my girls almost daily. The recipes you will find here are ones that sparked my fancy to try. There will be successes and failures and a lot of love along the way!